Stephanie Rogers
I support birthing mothers freedom.
Angela L
While I have not had a homebirth, as a mother, I absolutely support a woman's right to choose her healthcare professionals. Midwives make a difference for many women who want to have non-clinical, supportive births.
Darilyn R Cummings
Mom of 6
Tara Erson
Dr. Tara Erson created Smart Mouth to offer her community of Las Vegas (where she was born and raised) a much needed and missing service. Oral health, traditional medicine, and even holistic health is not focusing on what she thinks is a very important piece of the puzzle - the tongue. The health and development of your child is reliant on proper tongue movement, strength, and posture. Your health and aging is reliant on this as well. Dr. Tara is a dentist, a breastfeeding specialist (International Board Certified Lactation Consultant), and an airway and sleep specialist (Diplomate, American Board of Dental Sleep Medicine).
Rebecca Gann
On the very early morning of November 2nd, I woke up thinking I had wet the bed, thinking, "damn I really had to go that bad?" Surprise!! My waters were pouring out of me. I wasn’t too concerned because I "still had two weeks left." Little did we know our son would be born just 17 hours later. I tried to rest after assuming my water broke because I was still certain it wouldn't happen today. There was no need to exhaust myself. I kissed my partner goodbye, and he headed to work. Several hours came and went, and I had what felt like period cramps and back pain. I texted my mom, letting her know I thought I might be in labor, and she came over with my sister. An hour later, I was in my bathtub, breathing through each contraction unaware she was keeping track of them. (I was still in denial that I was going to have this baby today.) An hour goes by of consistent contractions, 3 minutes apart, 30 seconds long, and slowly I'm realizing that I’m I'm probably going to have this baby today. At 10 a.m., I called my partner to come home; he couldn’t keep his excitement to himself. A few hours after that, my sister-in-law came over; she and my mom completely stocked my freezer, fridge, and pantry (a godsend). I highly recommend) and prepared an afterbirth meal. She kicked major ass being a doula I didn’t know I needed. Around 1 p.m., contractions were significantly more intense, and I couldn’t walk or stand through them. So I got into the birth tub. At 3 p.m., I transitioned, and finally, after many, many hours of intense back labor running on just a couple hours of sleep, at 6 p.m., my contractions were 1-2 minutes long and 2 minutes apart, and we called our midwife over. I could feel something and asked my midwife to check me, and that was his head on the next contraction. I tried pushing with everything I had, but I realized I was rushing him and my baby will come when he’s ready. I knew it was soon. I roared through every long, painful contraction until I felt him shoot out. I remember holding him for the first time and how elated, relieved, and in complete love I was. We did skin-to-skin right away, and a few pushes later I birthed the placenta. I had never experienced anything like the total bliss I was. I remember his little face looking around; he was so alert and curious. The whole room was filled with so much magic. It was the most powerful and sacred experience of my life. fully trusting my body, my baby, and the birth process. I chose homebirth because I believe in autonomy. to protect my peace. so I could allow Mother Nature to take over without anyone telling me how to give birth. I was able to give birth exactly as I had envisioned.
Ashley Wood
Ashley is a bachelor degree registered nurse with over a decade of experience in the emergency critical care setting. A strong advocate for medical and religious freedom, she founded Medical Women of Faith in 2022 to help strengthen and elevate women health care professionals through Christ. She is also passionate helping women breastfeed and serves as a La Leche League leader.
Kate Wilson
Wife and mother. Advocate of all things for FREEDOM. Homeschooler, Homebirther, Breastfeeder, Advocate, Sister, Encourager.... Maker of Many Things! Side Hustles include tie dye for the whole family, making cleanses, placenta encapsulater, ring slings, and so much more....
Rachael Reed
I am a Homebirthing mother, herbalist, women’s community cultivator, I offer Peristeaming services, women’s wellness alternative guidance, as well as miscarriage and postpartum support to women in my community. But above all: I am a passionate Nevada Woman who stands for liberty and autonomy for women now and tomorrow.
Amie Norris
I'm the mother of four children and have been supporting women and families in my community for fifteen years. Some of my many roles and projects include: La Leche League Leader; co-founder of Vegaroos, the first babywearing group in Las Vegas; childbirth & natural family planning educator (retired); International Board-Certified Lactation Consultant (retired); and most recently, Mothers Push Back, as part of a group of women who are passionate about preserving our freedom to birth wherever and with whomever we choose. I am a freelance editor and proofreader and the founder of the Nevada chapter of Fight for Freelancers, working to protect our right to work as independent contractors in Nevada and across the country.
Devin Blazvick
Mother of 3, Seamstress at The Artistic Seamstress, Leader of a local Non-Profit for cesarean awareness. Passionate about holistic living, women's autonomy, and birth rights.
Joseph Flatt
I host this website